Coyote Groove, OH
I went to a Tropidelic show for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. I had the best time ever! I got to dance sing and express myself the way I like to express myself. I wanted to walk around and vend but I could feel people watching me. You know when you watch people watch you? I saw a guy who pretended to be single when I first met him with his now fiancé. The hello was uncomfortable but it came with an apology which was cool. I saw the boys being jerks and honestly didn’t want anything to do with their vibes. Helena was there and I have the softest spot for her and got to spend some time with her.

All I want to do is vend and Ohio vibes are weird. People like to bring eachother down around these parts. I’m just waiting for farmers markets to start back up in Florida and still hoping Reggae Rise Up is happening. I’ll be vending and I can’t wait to see all my peoples. For now I’m kinda just going out to shows low key vending and celebrating my birthday for a hot minute 🙂 I’ve spent the last few months trying to run my business with so much interference its silly. I’m going to hop around and do that thing I do until things settle down. Most people won’t know where I am until I show up or post about it later. It’ll make popping up fun again.

Being stationary let me see on a micro level how people behave. From my Ledges experience I saw people get uncomfortable with me being happy. Singing dancing meditating doing yoga and just taking care of myself pissed them off and it was so weird . I got to hear people call me things like a “trust fund baby” and other untrue names that I can’t even bother entertaining. I saw people pretend to be nice to my face and then make up shit behind my back. I kind of like it better when people don’t know who I am. They continue to wish you well.

Until Next time <3

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1 Comment

  1. Sheri Bryan says:

    You are such a beautiful soul. Don’t worry about others, their negativity is their own, it’s not meant for you. We look forward to seeing you here in Florida again, you are missed.

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