Ozarks Arkansas
This was a crazy back back
I did not like the hourly arrangement and don’t plan on doing that again
I don’t like the dynamic I don’t like being told what to do and after the whole I love you thing it felt super inappropriate.
Keeping my autonomy is a non negotiable in my business relationships and tomboys kinda treating me like a festy kid
I did get to do a photoshoot with choppeddubs at Lost lands and that was super fun and cool I made it to some of the sets and the crowd was honestly great
It felt like I had my own bubble so that was great
At the sudden death set someone let. me use their coochie couch and oh my godWubs where vibrating through me is was soooooo good
At the ganja white night set these brothers from Mexica ended up interacting and they were so sweet. They said it looked like I spoke Spanish lol (I can only understand it)
They said that this was their youngest brothers first rave and he looked like he was having the time of his life
Waken was a weird vibe. Security was weird. They were fishing and it was a little cringey. They tried to have a problem with the CBD in the car but then the supervisor made them stop
I got in before Justin and too a nap about it
The people that were camping said security was robbing their campsites which checks out
I deff feel like that stopped people from shopping but it is what it is
I left the booth like one time and when I did Justin git to meet Inzo
I was kinda sad about it but thought it was super cringey how much joy Justin got from that
he doesn’t even like that artist and it felt like he wanted to rub it in my face
American culture is weir brace people express how they actually feel through their actions and I don’t like when people are just mean to mean
That’s weird but in this culture its actually really normal
The binge drinking was brutal.
He says he doesn’t drink at home but he goes Gard at events and that’s called binge drining
but he’s in denial and you can’t really tell people who they are. They have to actualize for themselvess or else they get all defensive and ssit in their ish for longer.
He’s not mean or anything g he just forgets everything
He does this thing where he switches up on you out of no where cus he low key changed his mind
He even does this with his own pricing
It was actually really annoying when he would try to decide the price in front of someone shopping
I could tell he felt weird about the work exchange agreement and kept changing his mind on what he wanted to to look like
I tried to ignore it cus it was what it was and coercion is not consent and trying to trick me into a different role isn’t going to happen
I ended up journaling and made a game plan of what.I wanted my off season would look like so I could start prepping for next season and hopefully do some bigger events with help
I wasn’t sure if I’d want to do events with them next year. It would just depend on the arrangement.
Now id be done to split vendor fees but that would also require splitting the space and we can circle back to that later
The work exchange made sense because I could deff tell their not trying to pay people but just do the ticket exchange thinh
I made it very clear I’m nit here for the fest I only show up to sell my product line and I feel like that is getting lost in translation somewhere
Until Next Time <3
Travel Diary