
Reggae Rise Up Maryland was amazing! The music was on point had no issue all weened and there was a steady flow of shoppers. It was an overall amazing event. I love working with this production team. I always do well with them. Im so grateful I get into these ones and am hoping I can get into the Vegas one in October.

On my way here I stopped at a few business clubs and country clubs. I wanted to eat use a pool and shower on top if using the clubs wi-fi. I felt like I went on a tour de la Esmeralda and ate my way to my next destination.

Up next is Everwild music festival in Ohio and I’m so excited for that one. Its on my birthday weekend and I plan on stopping to see a few friends in Ohio too. I had a friend say she needed me to make her a spacial relief balm so I am stopping for some essential oils and making my way to her first.

Until Next Time 🙂

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