Newark Ohio
💁🏽‍♀️Just living it out
🧚🏽‍♀️Pyro was amazing ! Business wise I did really well. It felt like I got my grove back because business has been slow since the pandemic.

🫠Personally I felt so much judgement in the air and it was kind of sad. There was so much ego all i could say was “lego my ego” as the joke for the situation.

🌺Reggae Rise Up will be the last event I set up for this year and want to transition to making vip swag bags and headliner gift basket for music festivals and city events. I want to fire perform and focus my energy on other creative projects as I continue to grow and learn myself.

👽I feel a shift coming and I’m going to have to get super comfortable with the unknown. Even the way I travel has been shaken up. Im traveling with a friends and we’ll see if this works out 🫠.

I’m in Tennessee right now prepping for Maypop Music Festival. I’m not vending and will just be there to support a few friends that I know are performing and I’m hoping I’ll get to spin some fire for this one. I’m not used to just going to a fest so we’ll see how I end up flowing. Also I did not bring my car and I’m in my homies car for this one so I do not have my comfort items with me. So this is definitely going to be different.

✨Currently hangin at the Hummingbird Apothecary.

Until Next Time <3

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