
🥲I’m not going to lie, it was a little disappointing driving from Florida to Tennessee just to turn around and go home. I was really excited to vend this one. The weather had other plans and I am honestly so grateful they made the safe decision.
It’s been a weird two years for the business. I was able to vend smaller events last year to hold things together but this year has been hard. Festivals are how I make a living and having them postponed or cancelled really effect what I have twerking here. I am trying to get more traffic online but until then I shake it down in real time. I don’t know what I can do to be more effective.
🫠I played the game where I debated if I should try to vend a different event and I should have but I had a friend literally begging me to come back right away (he wasn’t a good friend). I may be vending Imagine with Spunglasses next week. I vended Imagine 2 years ago in their campground section called Camp Royale. It was not a successful event for me so I wanted to see how it goes this time with less risk.
🧚🏽‍♀️I’m trying to do the things that make me happy while sharing my bad ass product line. Getting ready for Reggae Rise Up next and I will have 2 tickets to do a giveaway with. I will be posting details and instructions on my Instagram Monday.

Until Next Time <3

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