Tampa, FL
🫠Life’s been pretty weird the last few months 🧚🏽‍♀️sticking around Florida until the New Year
🙃There’s deff been ups and downs but I couldn’t t be more grateful to get to do what I love 
🥹The farmers markets I have participated in, in the past, have seriously declined and it looks like I will be taking a break from them for a minute
🌺Forcing growth and focusing on my online presence and pushing internet sales 
⭐️Excited to be a part of The Indie Flea Holiday General Store December 5th & 6th (12-4pm)
👽Focusing my energy on growing my social media platforms and driving more traffic to the website
☠️It’s deff challenging because I run into obstacles where I can’t use certain social media features because they still do not allow CBD advertising
🍃It looks like the social media following has to grown organically
💁🏽‍♀️Follow @ezlifecbd on Facebook and Instagram if you haven’t already  
Or shop the website This Holiday Season 
Until Next Time <3

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